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We found a total of 2 historical WHOIS records in 0057 seconds for 99bitru in our Historical WHOIS Database 1 QUERY TIME 2 May 2024 751 PM UTC

A Whois domain lookup allows you to trace the ownership and tenure of a domain name Similar to how all houses are registered with a governing authority all domain name registries maintain a record of information about every domain name purchased through them along with who owns it and the date till which it has been purchased

Find information on any domain name or website Large database of whois information DNS domain names name servers IPs and tools for searching and monitoring domain names

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A whois lookup is a type of request which retrieves information about the owner of a domain name What information is contained in a whois response There is a lot of information returned from a whois request a domain name This information typically includes the date that the domain name was registered when it was last updated as well as when

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Reverse WHOIS Lookup Overview Reverse WHOIS guides to recovering all the general details about a certain domain name For instance you can use any detail normally seen on a WHOIS record eg a domain owners name company name email address etc to explore all domain names that have that data point in their WHOIS documents

The historical WHOIS archive shows all the previous registrants and entities associated with that domain name going back over time Analyzing the WHOIS history provides valuable insights for assessing the reputation and risk factor of a domain name By looking up historical WHOIS records you can see who owned the domain previously

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We found a total of 1 historical WHOIS records in 0129 seconds for 77777777ru in our Historical WHOIS Database 1 QUERY TIME 3 May 2024 1159 AM UTC

Reverse WHOIS Lookup A reverse WHOIS lookup enables you to search for other domains registered under the same name email address or other common details This helps uncover additional web properties owned by the same entity Rather than entering a domain name youd enter a name email or other data point to find associated domains

Reverse WHOIS Lookup BigDomainData

Whois Lookup Look up whois details of any domain

The Largest WHOIS Database in the World We update WHOIS data of over 5 million domain names every day BigDomainData is made up of 2 primary databases Current WHOIS Database and Historical WHOIS DatabaseOur Current WHOIS Database contains the latest WHOIS record of only active domain names over 269 MillionWhile the Historical WHOIS Database contains WHOIS history of every domain name